Friday, February 23, 2018

So sick and tired of being sick and tired...

Laziness is a hard habit to break... 

You have to recognize that laziness and procrastination are destructive to your word. When you take on a task you make a promise to somebody (perhaps just yourself, but somebody) that you will complete that task. But being lazy means you are breaking your word... That’s not bad, or wrong, it just is.

You can't fix a problem with good intentions. You can't get healthy just by not wanting to be fat and unhealthy anymore. You have to get up. You have to move.

I'm really sick of being fat and out of shape. I'm sick of being lazy. I'm sick of being sick of it all... I've got more false-starts than I care to. I'm sick of the amount of time I spend on the couch...

Today is the end of 7 weeks of healthier eating - healthier living - and a better me. 

If you're at the beginning of your journey - Make today DAY ONE! And take as many DAY ONEs as you need until you find that motivation and that drive. Dig down, dig deep, get up and GET MOVING!!

Until Next time - GET UP!


  1. I really needed this today. I am sick of being overweight and out of shape, but for some reason, I keep resisting making any changes. Last night I finally got up and worked out. It's going to take a lot of work and it won't be easy, but if I start now, I can get the worst part over with and get moving to a healthier me.

    1. If I can say anything to people about losing weight/getting healthy, it is this:

      The Scales are one thing - how you FEEL is a much better indicator of how you are doing.

      When you weigh-in - Also take measurements. If you're building muscle, it will not look like you are losing weight as fast as you'd like. Muscle weighs more than fat. If you lose 2 inches on your waist, but only lost 1 lb on the scale - that's a HUGE win.
